Sunday, September 23, 2007



Preparation was scary. The whole operation loomed like the evil Cat in the Hat by Dr. Suess. He's always prancing, smiling, laughing and looking at me in his evil eyes while I fought, kick and struggled to pack the 31 years of my life for Australia against the flow of time.

The entire preparation stage was filled with anxiety and apprehensions. Packing my personal affects wasn't difficult at all. I did that in 2 hours because I did not have much to begin with. It was the very idea that once all the preparation was done, it's time to leave my family and Ivy. The emotional package was the most difficult to pack. However the wheels of motion had started rolling and all I had to do was to grap hold of it while not being trampled by it.

A gamut of thoughts ran through me like a slow acting poison. What holds for me when I went over? What will happen to my way of life (no football and basketball!)? What will happen to Ivy and me? Since I have no experience in the construction site, what happen if I failed? What will I eat since I can't cook?

It's not easy to deal with the unknowns and it would be easier to stay in the comfort zone so as to take those unknowns out of the equation. That would be too easy for me and I would and will never allow that. I guess it is about looking back at all these and remember how I got through it all. I guess I need and want success and doing it in my own way. I just have to put my trust and try my very best to hold on to all those that holds true to me and I must not forget my roots. I continued packing in; physically, metaphysically and emotionally.

23rd Sept 2007

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