Sunday, September 23, 2007



I hate goodbyes, along with many other things...

After you had a wonderful night, you said goodbyes to those who were responsible for it. After you broke into a good pair of shoes, you have to bid them goodbye a few months later. After you discovered that the kid who sat beside you in primary school was not just a mucus producing machine but was actually kind of cool, you had to bid him goodbye for secondary school.

Goodbyes before I left for Australia were about knowing who really cared and who really did not give a cahoot about me. I received messages with well wishes from people who I thought were basically scums on the floor. I promoted them to "The Higher Order". There were many already in "The Higher Order" did not even give a wink about me when I requested for their emails through a sms so as to keep in touch wih them during the time in Australia. I was disappointed but I thought at least their friendship was worth a single sms.

Goodbyes were sad because I had to leave my home and my family. My family. They are not perfect but they are still my family.

Goodbyes were sad because I could not keep Ivy company after I left. I could not be there physically for her when she's sick or when she's down during this period. I could not share her happiness and go out with her after I left.

Goodbyes were particularly sad on 16th March 2007 when I hugged Ivy and walked into the customs at the airport to catch my plane to Australia. That goodbye brought down my world but enforced the fact that I must not fail and forget my roots.

I hate goodbyes.

23rd Sept 2007

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