Sunday, September 23, 2007


Flight over Australian Sky

The flight over the Australian sky was one of mixed feeling. It was filled with apprehension, anxiety, loneliness and sadness. That was the day that I left Ivy in Singapore. I felt sad for not being able to be with her. Most important, I felt sad for her not being with me…

I caught Rocky Balboa on the plane. That was the last Rocky film that will be ever made. It depicted Balboa’s life. In the film he said something which resounded like a bell from Nostredame. He said, “Life is not above making that big hit. It’s about taking the big hit and you get up after that to take another big hit and you get up again.” It reminded me of what I used to tell myself, “Success lies in the undying courage to fail”. I need to look at life again with a new vigour. The relentless winds of change had somehow taken away what I believed in, what I had to do and most importantly, where are my roots. I must not forget who I am. This is me and there are certain promises I made for myself that I need to fulfill.

My mind was strangely subtle during the flight. Filled for my longing for Ivy, I opened the wind screen to reveal a scene of brown and pure turquoise. The great land opened up into the embrace of the great ocean. I had the feeling that the land somehow refused to open itself up to the ocean. It wanted to keep a bit of its secrets but the embrace is eminent and needed.

Afar I saw strange pot holes covered with blue water. As the plane past, a larger pothole in the land revealed itself. It should be bigger than a football field. Within I saw colours of deep blue from the centre to light blue to the rim of circles. Such beauty that can only be admired from 3900 feet above the sky. I wondered if they were craters formed by comets hurtled onto Earth million of years ago. Now I found myelf hurtling towards the unknown future. Will I leave a foot print in this brown land when I leave?

The plane started to descend and the contours of the land started to be clearer. Roads, bushes, houses, cars all came into view. This is the place that I will reside for now. And I will make sure that this will be an interesting chapter in the story of my life.

Alright. Time to sleep. Tomorrow will be my birthday. Happy birthday to myself. This will not be a lonely birthday because I have Ivy in my mind…

(Written on 16th March 2007)

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