Friday, July 13, 2007


In the Beginning

The beginning can be broken down into 3 stages.

1st stage: Birth

I'm fresh out of school like any wide eyed fresh graduate waiting to make a difference in the world and making their own mark... Hmm, I guess I never did want to make a difference in the world but rather a difference in my world. I remembered I wanted money. Lots of money to realise certain dreams that I want to fulfill in my life. I wanted to see the world while I am at it. To experience the life in other countries and live the lives that I am never borned into it.

2nd Stage: Realisation

Fast forward 5 years since I graduated. I was tired. Both mentally and physically. I realised that the world is vast yet my world was still too small. I was proud of what I had gotten with my steadily growing bank account through plain, stingy money saving measures and the good old HARD WORK. Although I have not made big steps, I was proud that whatever I had gotten to date was through my honest, hard and sometimes diligent work. However I was not getting to my goals soon enough and I have not seen the world yet. I had only began to scratch the surface of the outer wall. I needed to fast track and be at least on par with my peers and get ahead. I need to fulfill my dreams that I set out initially.

3rd Stage: Action

A email came like thunder in mid 2006 from the big boss. It carried a message that the client was looking for Engineers to be posted to Western Australia for a project that I was already working on. I covered my ears and closed my eyes in fear of multiple flashes of lightning and thunder infront of me. Discussions were held with my peers to see who were willing to take up the sacred tasks. I found that no one was keen or dared to take up the challenge or were basically gagged by cynicisms, pessimisms and conspiracy theories that the management would not released their Engineers for this assignment. I realised that this would be something that I had set out to do after I graduated. However circumstances had changed since as I had fell in love with the most beautiful girl in the world, Ivy. I couldn't bare to leave her for Australia even if it's only for a year. However Ivy encouraged me to take up the assignment with many discussions held over the handphone with me in the stair well in the building of my company. We agreed that this would be an opportunity not to be missed and we just have to make do with whatever circumstances might bring. I realised that this would be an opportunity for me to get me faster to the point that I wanted to go. Besides, the sum of money could be good for me and Ivy in the future. With her blessings, I volunteered for the assignment and was accepted in December 2006.

The beginning of an adventure in Oz...



A blog is a fling. A fling with vanity. Dirty numbers waiting to be read and be seen. My attempt at blogs however is a matter of doom. Doom attempts and utter laziness to continue a blog that I start up. Suffice to say, this is my second attempt at writing the this blog "aptly" named "The misdemenours of a Singapore Boy in Oz". This will not be my fling with vanity though but a record of my little adventures in Australia. Maybe my intention is to use this to serve my memories 50 years to come if global warming hasn't destroyed the world yet. Perhaps all I ever wanted is to write a little piece of a period of my meandering 31 years of life. Whatever the case, I realised my first attempt is doomed to fail... again. The is meandering mark 2 and I hope my stamina will keep it going.

To the "me" a few years later, I hope that you have not forgotten what you have learned in this trip about what I have gone through and is going to go through in Australia. IF you have forgotten (which I know you will), I hope this will bring remind you of what we were and how you have become. For those unfortunate ones that have found this blog, well I hope my boggling around in Australia do interest you enough. If not, I do recommend that you get outside and catch a whiff of fresh air. For the world is never better with the wind blowing through your hair and the blue sky hanging over your head.


13th July 2007

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