Sunday, June 17, 2007


The Big World

Australia is a big country. I read somewhere that it’s bigger than Europe. I learned that Western Australia can fit in 9 Germanys. It’s incredible that people here own land plots of up to 2000 square acres. Huge forests and portion of rivers all belong to individuals. Coming from a single small red dot in the world map, this is something to behold and fathom. To own a land size that in my small country, could make up a few towns. Not withstanding the fact that Singapore could be as multi cultural as Australia (or even more). However no matter where we came from, we always carry with ourselves not only a certain amount of knowledge and experience, but a certain amount of ego along with that. Some egos enveloped the world and threatened to take over the world. Some egos crack with a single touch. Some egos are so fat that they are merely bluffs. If egos have identities and names, they shall be the common names that you and I have.

However in this world with population of 5 billion people, where do we place our ego? Singapore is a small place compared to Australia. Australia is a big place but a small one compare to the entire Earth. Earth is a small place compared to the Solar System. The Solar System is but a minute speck of scattered dust in the place of the Universe. A decade is incomparable to a millenium. A millennium is but a scratch upon Eternity. An ego in the sea of billions is not even a speck of dust.

Yet in the span of it all, we carried within ourselves a certain sense of pride and ego. Maybe it’s due to the little achievements that we made. That small step for human and that big step for mankind. We pride ourselves on our races, our tribes, our beliefs and our way of life. Pride made us believe that we are supreme and thereby leading to supremacists ideals. The Ku Klux Klan, the Mongols, Romans, Nazis, Americans have demonstrated where pride has taken and will be taking us.

I realized no matter where we came from, a world class city to a 3rd world country, the place where we came from will always hold a certain longing for us. That place where we played in the rivers, kicked a ball in the mud, bled and cried. Even when we got to Utopia, we will long for the Earth that we came from. I guess we are emotional being. If we do not count the past, how can we know the future?

Long - 15th April 2007

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