Saturday, April 07, 2007


Dissection of WA drivers' behavior

It's been a fortnight after I arrived in Oz. Life in Oz hasn't been so simple. First of all, things happened a little slower than Singapore. Perhaps I'd been a little discriminating to say that or maybe it's because it's particular to WA which I'm situation in.
Well, it took almost a week for my ATM card to arrive at my place and people here just walk a little slower. Of course this is with the exception of WA drivers who seem to be most content with revving their engine to the max and the firing down the alley that only allows 50km/hr...

The car owners here also have a "peculiarity"... Other than firing up their engine, their next hobby seems to be tuning up their osund system in their rides so that they can blast every things off the streets. Or wake up old granny from her deep slumber. Whatever their intent is, it seems to me that this could boil down to 1 simple explanation. Reproduction.

You see the most important mission for a living being is primarily the continuation of their own species. In the animal kingdom (a kingdom that does not preclude the homosapiens), it is normally the male that will develop beautiful feather, extravagant dances or bold display of masculinity just so to attract the female gender for the right to mate. Well, in the advent of the human evolution, human has not forgotten the primary purpose of their life. The need to attract the female gender with masculine displays of strength. In WA, this display had been transform into which male gender is able to rev their engine to the maximum level and who can turn their sound systems (preferably the bass) to the max. This is comparable to the Lions roaring the loudest in the most magnificent of manes in the great savannah. This observations took me many days of observing these interesting subjects in their own habitat.

The age group where my subjects of observations are normally between the 18 to the 30 years old age. There are some that are over their 30s. This is however an isolated group who may not have found their mates or are trying to attract more mates. These subjects are normally found in rides that are not at the top of the range which is most interesting.

I had left all my subjects to their most natural behavior in their own habitat. During which I discovered that some of my subjects are sometimes intoxicated with substances, which nature that I do not know. This had, most interesting, increased the tendencies of these subjects behaving in the way they should.

There are instances that I recorded of subjects who do not have their rides but had resorted to other methods of attraction. The most common method of them all is primitive; yawping (or known otherwise as shouting at the top of their lungs). Languages most often evaded such efforts of yawping which did not seem to be targetted as being uderstood by other parties. The most common phrases used are "YEAH" and "Yo". This group of subjects normally falls under the group that has no rides. However I must admit that a small percentage of subjects who have rides sometimes resort to this behavior as well. Perhaps this group do not have loud sound systems.

Females genders sometimes do resort loud car engines too but never loud sound systems. In my observations, I concluded that it is the engine in their rides that are too worn out that resulted in loud car engines.

I hope that this diseection will bring to all, finally, a clearer understanding of the behavior of WA drivers or maybe bring some relief to those who have to put up with the inconsiderate drivers who like to rev their engines and turn up their sound systems.

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